At the 1966 funeral service of former Delray resident Eleanor Hajnos, the following persons, all of them from Delray, paid their last respects and signed the funeral guest book. Many of these names will be familiar to those of you who are former residents of Delray. How many of these names can you reconize?
She was laid to rest at the Rochowiak Funeral Home, 8714 West Jefferson Avenue, Detroit 17, Michigan; and she was buried at Our Lady of Hope Cemetery.
Joseph Gowalczg .............................................. 8907 Copland
Anna Klauza ..................................................... 9125 Copland
Kay Glodan ...................................................... 9125 Copland
Mrs. Anna Kochanski ....................................... 9385 Copland
Mr. And Mrs. Cass Kawalzyk ...........................8901 Copland
Mrs. Ann Jaky ...................................................9370 Copland
Mr. And Mrs. Andrew McInchak ......................9093 Keller
Mr. And Mrs. F. Dolasinski ...............................8730 West Jefferson
Mrs. Sadie Kiszo ...............................................7712 W. Jefferson
Emily, Rose, Eddie Wesolowicz .........................9069 Home
Mrs. M. Klyczek .............................................. 8587 White Street
Mrs. Anne Plas ..................................................8635 White Street
Mrs. Steve L. Herdon ........................................9156 Portland
Mrs. A. Bonyosz ................................................9156 Portland
Mr. And Mrs. William Kozar (Zimmal) ...............8757 Portland
Mr. And Mrs. A. Daniszewki and sons ...............8649 Dearborn
Sophie Daniszewski ...........................................8649 Dearborn
Mr. And Mrs. Walter Babinski ...........................8461 Dearborn
Mary and Joan Kasza ........................................8961 Peterson
Mr. And Mrs. Charles Dubiel ............................8940 Peterson
(Helen Boolkoc) (sp?) .......................................8931 Copland
Josef Fibick .......................................................9039 Home