Delray Stories
Miss Bertha DeLisle, The Belle of Delray

The marriage of Miss Bertha I. DeLisle and Michael P. Lyons of Walkerville, took place in All Saints' church, Delray, at 10 o'clock this morning (Thanksgiving Day, 1900), Rev. Fr. Doman officiated.

The Bride was led up the main aisle by her father, Supervisor Peter B. DeLisle. Miss Alice Riopelle (Berty's cousin) was maid of honor, while Misses Evelyn Belisle and Ida DeLisle, a sister of the bride (not a sister story was incorrect), were bridesmaids. The bridegroom was attended by his brother Timothy Lyons of Chicago, as best man. George DeLisle (of Delray) and Edward DeLacey of Springfield, Ohio were the ushers.

Miss DeLisle, who has long held the title of belle of Delray, fully justified that reputation this morning. She was gowned in a travelling suit of castor broadcloth, with brown poplin trimmings and a brown velvet bolero. She wore a big picture hat of blue velvet and carried a bunch of white roses.

Michael P. Lyons, the bridegroom, is well known in Walkerville, where the couple will make their home (made their home in Delray actually) after a short wedding trip. He is a native of Springfield, Ohio, who has arisen by dint of hard work to occupy the position of superintendent of the Walkerville Malleable Iron Works.

The first high mass ever celebrated at a wedding in Delray was chanted by Fr. Doman at the conclusion of marriage service. After that the newly married pair were driven to the home of the bride at 22 Crossley Avenue, Delray, where a combination wedding and Thanksgiving dinner was served. At 3 o'clock they left for a short wedding trip to the old home of the groom in Ohio.

Miss Bertha DeLisle one of the prettiest girls in Wayne county, and the acknowledged belle of Delray, was married at 9:30 this morning to Michael P. Lyons, of the Walkerville Malleable Iron Works, by Rev. Fr. Robert F. M. Doman at All Saints' catholic church.

Miss DeLisle, who is the daughter of Supervisor Peter B. DeLisle, was attired in a travelling suit of poplin-castor shade and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. Miss Alice Riopelle was maid of honor and Evelyn DeLisle bridesmaid. The bridesmaid and maid of honor wore dresses of navy blue and carried chrysanthemums. The groom was supported by his brother, Timothy Lyons of Chicago and George DeLisle as usher.

The church was handsomely decorated by the Young Ladies' sodality, of which the bride was a member. The bride is possessed of a sweet soprano voice and is a member of the choir of All Saints' church. Misses Riopelle and DeLisle, who acted as maid of honor and bridesmaid, are the daughters of the two women who acted in the same capacity for the bride's mother 26 years ago.

Michael and Bertha are buried at Holy Cross Cemetery on Dix Avenue in Detroit. They are buried in Section H exactly 10 feet behind the "Perry" cross, which has a bush on each side. Bertha's mother Adelaide is also buried with her, as well as Michael and Bertha's daughter, Catherine and son, Robert.

From the Detroit Journal under a headline: "First High Mass in Delray at the DeLisle-Lyons Wedding"



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