Delray Stories
Growing Up in Delray
as rememberd by
Joe Soter
This historical article was provided by:
Joseph S. Soter
Orange, California
Born Delray General Hospital
Graduated Holy Cross School 1964
Lived in Delray until 1976 on South St.

Sunday 11/25/1956 the Detroit Free Press's Roto Magazine ran a two page
spread on a Szureti Ball held at Holy Cross Church.   My guess is that
with the revolution in Hungary, Hungarians doing anything any where was
considered news worthy.
I have attached photos of the original article, scans of the individual
pictures and a transcript of the text and captions.
(click on photo for full size picture)

Detroit Hungarians stage their own Grape Festival

Caught stealing a cluster of grapes, Joseph Soter espaces paying a $1.00 fine to the "Judge" by kissing his captor, Mrs. Soter.
Early learning the fine points of the Grape Festival Dance, gay little Betty and James Soter take a cue from Mom & Pop.
Clicking their heels
Steve Juko and Helen Hobus

Song sheet from the Hungarian American Club. These were handed out so patrons could sing along at local dances and gatherings. The entire song book is available as a PDF document for you to download and enjoy.
Download here -->



This entire site Copyrighted 2011 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki