Delray Stories
Growing Up in Delray
as rememberd by
Lynn (Balogh) Maarouf - A Grand daughter of Old Delray
I have not so many memories of DelRay - except for going there for meat ( you know what kind) and I think one cousin was married there ?   My Dad is the one who has the great memories - maybe he can write it and I can do the editing? 
 - His name was actually Albert Zoltan (is) but some how in school he was  Zollie, and then Albert later in adulthood..
  He, no doubt has some great stories loves to talk about it - but never writes things like that down?    Let me see if I can get him to write something?
    I grew up in West Detroit - in the Greenfield,Soutfield, Chicago area.
   Thanks so much for this - he loves your website and I think will get a kick out of finding himself a star at  85 - course - he is no wallflower, people who have spent time around him DO know WHO Al Balogh is !
 ( He is Uncle Zollie to the family ) but most of the men he grew up with - including all of my Hungarian Aunts & Uncles are now -- sadly passed on.
He was known as Zollie growing up in Delray, graduated from Southwestern, met my mother (a Kentucky Bell) on the Cadillac assembly line. 
They were married in Delray, had their wedding photos taken in Delray, and my father worked his last years on the Detroit Police force as a plain clothes detective in Delray ( he spoke the language - you know?)
Anyway - January 19,2011 will be the 65th anniversary of their Delray Wedding  ( I think it was at the Hungarian Reformed Church where my grandmother was a member - but I was not there at the time ?)   Anyhow if you could post this - it would be great. 
I grew up surrounded by the warmth of my father's family and loved Hungarian cooking and pastry above all else, I will always consider myself to be more Hungarian than not. And don't know how much you have moved around, but I have moved around the country a bit - no matter where I have lived, there is  always another Balogh there.

Albert Zoltan "Zollie"  Balogh and JoNell Barnett
from their wedding on January 19th,1946



This entire site Copyrighted 2011 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki