Delray Stories
The Witch of Delray
as rememberd by
Richard Bujaki

I recently ran accross this great, well researched blog telling the story of the legendary, Witch of Delray. For many years I though this was just a made up story by my mother.
This is a brilliant well written, well researched story. I remember as a kid, my mother telling us kids about the witch of Delray, but I always thought it was just a story made up to scare us kids. WOW! Mom was right! The way my mother told it was that she ran a butcher market, and she butchered her many husbands and sold them as meat in the butcher market. Gruesome story! My mother embellished the story to scare us kids, and it worked.
Every story has a kernal of truth. Check this out here:


This entire site Copyrighted 2011 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki