These are the families of:
Bill Kemeny

Istvan and Julia Kemeny, owners of Hinky Dink Bar

Charles Paul Kemeny, WWII war hero in France
Charles Kemeny and parents, Istvan and Julia Kemeny,
standing in front of the Hinky dink Bar before going overseas in WWII
Charles Kemeny and brother Bill Kemeny standing in Hinky Dink Bar
Charles Kemeny grave at Woodmere Cemetary. Mother and sisters present.
Charles Kemeny’s grave with nieces and nephews present

Kemeny family men, Dick Radzilowski, Steve Kemeny, Joe Molnar,
Bill Kemeny at the Sunoco Station on Jefferson Ave.

Charles Kemeny with nieces and nephews in front of Hinky Dink Bar.
Patty Jean, Barbara, Gloria and little Bill Kemeny

Kemeny Grandchildren standing on steps to Hinky Dink Bar. Barbara, Gloria,
William, Patty Jean Kemeny. Rose Kemeny is behind.

Istvan Kemeny grocery store in Sharples West Virginia before the move
to Delray. Son Joe, unknown person, Julia, Istvan Kemeny.

Bill (Bela) Kemeny in front of Hinky Dink Bar, High School graduation.

Hinky Dink Bar on Jefferson Ave., Kemeny family members present.

Bill Kemeny's grocery store on Pleasant Ave. during WWII. Bill and
Rose Kemeny and an unknown person are behind the counter.
Young Bill and Gloria Kemeny in front of the Hinky Dink Bar.

Kemeny family women. Virginia Kemeny, Elsie Molnar, Helen Radzilowski,
Rose Kemeny at Sunoco Station next to Hinky Dink Bar.

Istvan and Julia Kemeny Family in Delray Circa 1935. Front row left to right:
Steven, Istvan, Charles, Julia, Margaret. Back row left to right: Elsie, Ella,
Joseph, Julia, Ann, Helen, William



This entire site Copyrighted 2011 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki