Delray Memories
as rememberd by
Anonymous Contributor
Hello Richard, sorry cant' help you much as I was from a poor hillbilly /Hungarian family and we had very few pictures, and I left Detroit in 1945, but have early childhood memories.  It was a tough time and place to be a child.   My mother was second generation Hungarian, born in Delray in 1916.  My grandparents, Erzebet Szell and Lajos Kovacs were from Igazfalva (now Romania).  They immigrated to Manitoba Canada in 1912, then the US in 1913.  They are buried in Woodmere Cemetery.  Unfortunately I do not live near any Hungarian communities and really do miss the foods.  I well recall visiting my grandmothers home in Delray as a child and the exotic smells emanating from her kitchen.  We don't even have any Hungarian restaurants in San Diego.  If I run across any pics I'll send them along.  Actually here's some of distant cousins and their flower shop.
Lydia Bolla Farkas, wife of Daniel Farkas, proprietor of Helen's Flower Shop.  She was a beautiful classy looking lady.

Nicholas and Helen Farkas at Helen's Flower Shop. 
Notice the name is also in Magyar. (Click on photo to enlarge)

Helen and Rose Farkas, daughters of Daniel and Lydia
Nicholas Michael Farkas 1924, son of Daniel and Lydia.  He was an attorney in Detroit until 1965.  He later changed his named to Wolfe which apparently Farkas translates.

Taken in Delray about 1943 on a pony.  Apparently the photographer would bring his pony around as an incentive to get folks to have pictures taken of their children.




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