In May of 1974, Cardinal József Mindszenty visited Old Delray and held Mass at the Holy Cross Hungarian Catholic church.
The focus of this web site is not to report on the life and times of this great Hungarian clergyman. A simple Google search will render all kinds of information on his life, and his visit to the USA in 1974. What you will not find is a single reference to his visit to Delray. This is the only place on the Internet that you will find this visit documented. The Holy Cross church did document and publish a photo essay booklet showing the events surrounding this visit. I need to acknowledge here that a former resident of Delray and prolific contributor to this web site, Robert (Bob) Takacs, provided this booklet for me to scan and present here for you to view. Thank you Bob! There are 50 photos in this collection, so I had to split them up into 4 parts. Look closely and maybe you will see someone you know, or even a family member. It seems that every Hungarian in the area showed up dressed in the traditional Hungarian costume of ancestral Hungary. This is a glimpse of life as it was in 1974 Old Delray.