
I think an introduction and explanation is in order before viewing the twelve movie clips that I am presenting here. This Old Delray web site is a Nostalgic web site. It tells the story of Life as it was. Once upon a Time. This is the life my grandparents came from. This is the life your grandparents came from. These clips do not depict life as it was in Old Delray, but it does depict the Hungarian way of life as it was, once upon a time. It is a reflection of a place in time that our grandfathers knew well. This is where they came from. This is the life they knew well and were comfortable with. This is the life they left behind when they immigrated to the USA. You can't tell the story of Old Delray with out also telling the story of where it's people came from. The acorn did not fall far from the tree. This was the Hungarian way. This was the Delray way of life. They were one and the same.

Sit back and travel to another time and place. This is the way it was, Once upon A Time.













This entire site Copyrighted 2008 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki