People of St. John Cantius
(Click to Enlarge)
First communion class (1959-60?)
Girls grade school basket ball team,1965 , St. John Cantius School
Annual Memorial Day ceremony in courtyard of SJC, 1966
SJC funeral, going down Pulaski Street-with band playing funeral music
Bag from the Delray drug store at the corner of Dearborn  and Harbaugh-
The phone # was "Vinewood 2 - 9500
Fred's P. M. Store 8901 DearbornAve.
SJC school courtyard
SJC hall - downstairs
My relatives posing in front of the altar in 1963, before carpeting was put in.
A Halloween parade from SJC
Some funeral procession
Some May procession

(Thank You Gino Stavola for these photos)


This entire site Copyrighted 2009 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki