Delray Photo Essay #3

Holy Cross Parish    Delray, Michigan   1910

1910--In the suburb of Delray, at the intersection of Smith and Harvard Streets, is Holy Cross Church, which was founded in 1906 by the Magyars, who are the real Hungarians. The Rev. H. F. Klenner was the first rector. He secured the property upon which he has erected a fine building, which answers for the present as church and school, also a sisters' house and rectory.

One hundred and twenty children are in attendance and are under the instruction of the Dominican Sisters from Adrian.
















Several of these photos were extracted from the book, Allen Park, ($19.99, Arcadia Publishing), by Sharon Broglin, and remain the property of Sharon Broglin. FOCUS: Allen Park Historian by Sharon Broglin,


This entire site Copyrighted 2009 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki