Delray's Hungarian Soldiers in WWII
During WWII, The sons and daughters of Delray went in harms way to serve in the military. Many never returned.
Scanned from the book: A Detroiti Ujság Naptára Az, 1953-ik Évre
(Click on photos to enlarge)
Balogh W. Zoltan

Doczi Ferenc & Fodor Jozsef

Meszaros Janos, & Meszaros Laszlo, & Koteles Sandor

Kovacs Albert, Kovacs Balint, Kovacs A. Lajos

Kovacs Henry & Gavar J. Laszlo

Kovacs Geza & Pal Lajos & Banyacsky Sandor




This entire site Copyrighted 2010 and Forever by R. S. Bujaki