Easter Celebration at St John Cantius in 1990

How one family celebrated Easter in 1990

St John Cantius - Detroit
St John Cantius - Detroit
Exterior of St John Cantius
Ornate alter is always amazing


St John Cantius - Detroit
Easter Baskets waiting to be blessed

For Easter this year we renewed the tradition of taking the food to be blessed on Easter Saturday. Although we had all been Methodists for years by now, it is still special to participate in this ever so Catholic Easter ritual.

Lyn's family always tries to visit St John Cantius, the old-time family church in the downriver Detroit area of Delray. The church was built by Polish immigrants and the ornate altarpiece is breathtaking. The saints perch on clouds and shimmering gold leaf scriptures are in Polish. Of course, you can always light a candle for someone departed.

Arial view of St John Cantius - Detroit
Church surrounded by water treatment plant

Lyn's mom grew up nearby, but her childhood home and the entire neighborhood was torn down in the 1970's to make way for Detroit's large wastewater treatment plant. In a bizarre twist, the church and school was left standing, stripped of homes, and now surrounded on three sides by industrial fences and wastewater basins. Of course the parochial school and nun's housing was long ago closed and boarded up, but it is an amazing testament that the church itself is still active, when you consider that its entire parish is required to commute from their suburban homes. And certain masses are still given in Polish. 
Dziecko Jesus,  to jest cudem!
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